LIFE> Astrology
Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for March 10

Updated: 2009-03-10 09:41


You might want to keep an open mind about your finances. You never know when something lucky may come up. It could be a rather tempestuous day, so be prepared for some ups and downs in your love life. If you have been considering starting a new business, this could be a favorable time to do so.



Your health may suffer today due to the wild, impulsive actions of the Tiger. Friends are not necessarily avoiding you; but they do seem to be preoccupied with other things. At work, you can try to avoid the turbulence that is going on around you by just sitting tight, and getting through this unfavorable day.


Leisure, love, and social life are highly rated on this favored day for you. Everyone at a social event that you attend will probably have a good time. There is a good chance that you could meet a potential love partner so keep an open mind when you meet someone new. You may have an excellent time participating in some type of sport.



You might have some ups and downs in your finances today; but try not to worry too much because tomorrow will probably be better. Family members may be pushing you to redecorate at home; and it may be best for you to go with the flow, for now. Take some leisure time for yourself and just improvise with whatever strikes your fancy and is convenient.


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