Aries March 21 - April 19
It's time to get more strategic in terms of your career. Work through your network.
You're more in tune with the tech world than usual and now is a good time to price out gadgets for later consumption. You may want to look into stuff that doesn't quite make sense to you yet.
Taurus April 20 - May 20
Bring a new endeavor to the next level. You're ready whether you know it or not.
You're all aflutter over some big decision you're facing, but don't panic too much yet. You may need to deal with someone who's pushing you too hard, but you can resist without damaging feelings.
Gemini May 21 - June 21
When was the last time you got totally flirtatious with someone? Do it today.
You're talking up big issues with your people today and that is helping you to shake out the bad ideas from the huge mass of good ones you've been sitting on. Soon it's time to act on the best!