Aries March 21 - April 19
Reduce your expectations for today. Things might not work out the way you want.
Try not to worry all that much about whether or not you're making lots of progress today -- you need to just take the world at whatever pace feels right to you. It's a good time to deal with children.
Taurus April 20 - May 20
You have to use more than flattery to get what you want today. Use your intellect.
If you're single, today is great for getting noticed and turning heads. It's also a good time to look for work or take on any other goal or project that demands attention and respect from others.
Gemini May 21 - June 21
A challenging person could test your patience today -- remember you're in charge.
Communication may be your forte, but you still get behind every now and then. At least one unanswered email or text needs attention before the day is out. If it's uncomfortable, that signals great things ahead.