LIFE> Astrology
Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for February 27

Updated: 2009-02-27 09:38

Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for February 27Daily Overview for February  27, 2009


Don't allow colleagues to thwart your plans for prosperity, as a peer may be envious of your positive accomplishments. Handle misguided situations in a professional manner and you'll come out on top. Spend the evening with your family or close friends and you should have a good night.


Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for February 27


You may have a tense confrontation with a co-worker, but the issue is minor and you should be able to sort it out with little consequence. You've been conservative with your spending lately, but you may want to treat your family to a nice dinner tonight.


Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for February 27Tiger

Your workday should be positive as things go smoothly. Today's not a day of challenges, but more one of steadiness. Accomplish your tasks, as you have a fun weekend to look forward. Start the weekend off with a party or night out with friends.


Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for February 27


You may have a new position that calls for some adjustments. Today may be a difficult yet challenging day. Try to adapt to the new tasks and things should work out well. Be patient and the right answers will come. Take a night off and relax at home watching a movie with a few friends.


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