Cancer June 22 - July 22
Becoming more involved with someone is a delicate balance, but you can pull it off.
You'd rather stay in today -- or rather just shut your door at the office and keep yourself occupied with Solitaire. It's one of those days when your unconscious mind is a bit more productive than the rest of you!

Leo July 23 - August 22
Figure out a way to curb your enthusiasm, or you will end up getting impatient.
You're feeling just a little bit greedy today -- but it's not at anyone else's expense! You may find that it's easier than ever to get your way without causing anyone any excess stress.
Virgo August 23 - September 22
It is a good day to reward yourself with a nice pat on the back. You've done well!
Your heart starts to race today, seemingly for no good reason -- but it could be romance! You find the most surprising people attractive today and you might not have any good reason not to pursue one of them.