Capricorn December 22 - January 19
Make sure that you finish everything completely today -- tie every loose end up.
Details are more important than ever right now and you can easily make sure that they're all lined up and ready to go. You may need to check in with a coworker who's not on the ball.
Aquarius January 20 - February 18
Remember that you have the right to privacy! If you need some time alone, get it.
Someone spills the beans and you instantly feel yourself blushing or trying to figure out what comes next. The secret probably wasn't all that big a deal to begin with, actually, so let it go if you can.
Pisces February 19 - March 20
If you are dealing with legal documents today, you need to be twice as meticulous!
Work and business issues are paramount today and you need to navigate them carefully. People are sensitive to perceived slights and might just decide that you're not on their side for no good reason!