Capricorn December 22 - January 19
Your compassionate side has been drawn out, today. You will feel sympathy for a foe.
You need to explore your artistic side today -- and you ought to have time to do so. If not, you should be able to work some magic with whatever you've got in front of you. Surprise your family!
Aquarius January 20 - February 18
Get a handle on where you spend money, especially in terms of your social life.
Friends and family may be clamoring for attention, but you need to put yourself first for now. It may feel awkward for a time, but if you keep going, you should find that it all works out for the best.
Pisces February 19 - March 20
Getting along with others might be an unrealistic goal for you right about now.
You and your friends should have a great time, thanks mostly to your positive energy! It's one of those days when you can't believe how awesome life it and you should find everything working out perfectly.