LIFE> Horoscopes
Daily Overview for September 1

Updated: 2008-09-01 09:32

Daily Overview for September 1

Capricorn December 22 - January 19

Someone from a different culture is exposing you to new ideas -- you need to listen.

Exercise your authority wherever you can -- at work, at home or even with friends. Most folks are craving rules right now and though they might play at grumbling, they are secretly thanking you.


Daily Overview for September 1Aquarius January 20 - February 18
You don't have to be an intellectual to what the smartest thing to do is, today.

It's vital that you really connect with people today -- at work, at home or wherever you find yourself. It's one of those days when you could easily fall back on aloofness, but try to resist.


Daily Overview for September 1Pisces February 19 - March 20
Be careful not to assume that big changes equal big improvements! Reassess things.

Overview Debt may be a problem for you right now -- but it's not insurmountable! Today is a great day to make a plan that you can stick to, consulting a pro or a knowledgeable friend if need be.


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