LIFE> Horoscopes
Daily Overview for July 09,2008

Updated: 2008-07-09 09:31

Daily Overview for July 09,2008

Capricorn December 22 - January 19
Today, two's company and three's a party! Follow your urge to connect with others.

If you see that things aren't to your liking, it's totally up to you to change them up. Your initiative is all it takes to get you where you -- and your people -- need to be. Don't be shy about taking action!

Daily Overview for July 09,2008Aquarius January 20 - February 18
There is no such thing as a bad emotion. All feelings are valid, so don't suppress.

You need to make sure that you're not just staying in one place all day -- you need motion and action and chatter to keep your mind active! It's a good time to explore other cultures in some way.

Daily Overview for July 09,2008Pisces February 19 - March 20
There will be a lot of people vying for your attention -- try to find a balance.

You're finding it harder to deal with a work buddy or family member today, but shouldn't read too much into it. If there are any long-term issues, they won't manifest for a while longer.



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