LIFE> Astrology
Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for November 26

Updated: 2008-06-20 08:35

Daily Overview form  November 26, 2008


The stress of work may be taking a toll on you. Being sensitive today could strengthen relationships with certain coworkers and reveal a side of you that others haven't seen. You may find that you gain a newfound respect. Carry this over to your family by being gentle with them.


A new creative project that needs developing could be right up your alley. Remember to take a break from the work to keep your sanity. After work, you may want to engage in some light exercise like taking a walk or playing with your children.



You may be involved in a relationship that's taking up a lot of your time. You may have to consider how serious you want things to become. Don't be afraid to commit if it feels right. The workday is relatively uneventful for you. Join a friend for a game of basketball or a cup of tea at a cafe.



A large workload today will requires a large amount of your attention. Delegate some of the work to coworkers and give them the credit for helping you in your time of need. You may be too tired to follow through on any extravagant plans this evening.


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