LIFE> Astrology
Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for November 13

Updated: 2008-06-20 08:35



Work may start off slow today, but maintain your focus so you don't become bored or distracted. The afternoon may be a bit more interesting. You may be having problems communicating with your partner. Take them out for a quiet, romantic restaurant where you can communicate.



You're going to have a great day and people will notice your positive energy. Your confidence is brimming, and people may be more attracted to you than usual. Your personal life will be positive, too. A new player may enter the scene, perhaps a romantic partner.


You may not see things as clearly as you normally do today. So this may not be a good day to make rash decisions. A problem at work may be better dealt with using patience rather than drama. Taking time after work to begin an exercise program will be a good stress reliever.



Work will not leave you with much time to socialize. Your responsibilities may have been escalated and it may take you time to adjust. Take care of your business and make time to socialize after work. Enjoy the evening as you may be invited to join friends at a social gathering.

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