LIFE> Astrology
Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for November 07

Updated: 2008-06-20 08:35

Daily Overview form  November 07, 2008


Your work load will be light today. Take extra time to tie up loose ends and prepare for the weekend. Use your lunch break to connect with a family member or a friend. Plan to get together over the weekend so everyone can catch up with each other.


You may have to compromise your time to offer training to a new employee. This is a good role for you as you may discover some hidden teaching talents. The situation may lead to a new positive working relation. Investing time in your family tonight will strengthen the bonds.



Take it easy today, as work stress may be taking its toll on your health. Make a point to take a little extra time during your lunch break to clear your mind. It may also be wise to eat something healthy for a change. Have fun with friends or family tonight.


Spend time today getting organized and tying up loose ends. You're known for being a good listener, and you may need to lend a friend your ear. Romance with your partner tonight may rekindle old feelings.


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