LIFE> Astrology
Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for October 6

Updated: 2008-06-20 08:35

Daily Overview form October 6, 2008


Work will require most of your attention today. The heavy workload will have you feeling like you're spread too thin. Maintain focus and finish one task at a time. You'll soon find a groove that makes the load seem lighter. Relax after work with a hot bath. It'll help you shed some of the stress of the day.


You're steady and reliable, but today will test your wits. A conflict with a coworker will linger if you allow it. Remember your role in the work environment and stick to it. This may be the only way you'll get through the day without having a meltdown.



Your energetic and sociable nature usually works for you at the office, but you may not be feeling yourself today. Many people will be concerned, but there's no cause for alarm. Everyone has a low chi day, and tomorrow you'll be back your usual vibrant self.


Be quickwitted and follow your instincts when making an important work decision today. This could save your job and maybe even lead to a raise or promotion. Reserve quality time with the family, perhaps working on a home decorating project.


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