How can Anna find a venue at such short notice?
Episode 57: Language for booking a venue 预订会场可使用的语言:
The team at Tip Top Trading has lots to do, but now Anna has discovered she has to organise a launch party for the new plastic aubergine. It's taking place at the end of the week and nobody has organised a venue yet! Anna is going to need some help.
Marge 给 Anna 推荐的房间能观什么景?
Glossary 词汇
This week's programme focuses on the language that you might use when trying to book a venue for a business meeting or a product launch.
Phrases from the programme:
Could I check availability for your venue please? 请问你们的场地预定情况怎么样?
What business facilities do you have? 你们的场地提供哪些设备?
How many people can the room or venue hold? 你们的场地能容纳多少人?
Can you provide hospitality? 你们能提供餐饮酒水服务吗?
How much does it cost? 租这样一个场地得多少钱?