Denise needs a shoulder to cry on
Episode 50: Language to use when making someone redundant 公司裁员常用短语
At the offices of Tip Top Trading, the team is catching up on yesterday's good news from the conference. But today it's bad news that everyone is going to hear following Paul's chat with big boss, Mr Socrates. But how bad is it?
Anna 向 Denise 表示安慰时使用了一个短语,依赖什么来 cry on?
Glossary 词汇
This week's programme focuses on the language that you might use or hear when someone in the company has to be made redundant.
Phrases from the programme:
We've got to move the furniture around. 我们要做一些调整
I'm afraid I've got to let you go. 很遗憾我们不得不让你走.
I'm giving you seven days' notice. 我给你七天的通知期。
Other related language:
Facing redundancy 面临裁员
Getting the sack 被解雇,被炒鱿鱼
Terminating your employment 你被解雇了
Leaving the company 离开公司