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3 Palestinian militants killed in Gaza rocket attack

2010-06-01 22:42

GAZA - An Israeli rocket attack killed three Palestinian militants Tuesday afternoon in northern Gaza Strip, witnesses and medical sources said.

The militants were firing rockets into Israel when a missile hit them, the witnesses said.

An official at Kamal Adwan hospital in northern Gaza Strip confirmed the bodies of three fighters were brought to the hospital this afternoon with signs of burns and shrapnel injuries.

A spokesman for Al-Nasser Saladin Brigades said the three militants were members of the Brigades that act as the armed wing of the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC).

The Israeli army, which is said to have attacked the gunmen, has not yet commented on the news.

Meanwhile, an Israeli tank shell landed on a house in southern Gaza Strip town of Khan Younis, residents said.

The incident took place to the east of the city where clashes erupted this morning between Palestinian militants and Israeli troops following the killing of two gunmen who infiltrated Israel.

Earlier, an Israeli army spokesperson said two rockets were fired from Gaza and landed in an open space near Israel's southern port city of Ashkelon.

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