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President Hu to pay visits to France, Portugal

2010-10-29 07:48

BEIJING - Chinese President Hu Jintao will exchange opinions with French President Nicolas Sarkozy on G20 issues during his upcoming visit to France.

Vice-Foreign Minister Fu Ying made the remarks at a press briefing on Hu's upcoming visits to France and Portugal.

France, which is scheduled to take over the G20 rotating presidency following the Seoul summit, has made calls for reforms of the international monetary system.

China has noticed France's proposals on G20-related issues and will attach great importance to them, Fu said.

At the invitation of French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva, Hu will pay state visits to the two countries from Nov 4 to 7, prior to the G20 summit in Seoul, in the Republic of Korea (ROK), from Nov 11 to 12.

China is satisfied with Sino-French ties generally, but the bilateral ties should also reflect changes of time and focus on the continued development of the overall strategic partnership between China and France, according to Fu.

"We hope new progress on the collaboration between China and France in economy as well as investment can be made through expanding areas and ways of cooperation in trade and related projects and deepening of mutual benefit."

China hopes to show the result and consensus reached during Hu's visit in written form, reflecting the common view of the present world situation, and concrete results of the cooperation between the two countries, Fu said.

"In the economic field, it is hopeful that China and France will sign a series of documents about the collaborative projects", said Fu, "and that China takes a positive attitude toward aircraft and nuclear project cooperation between the two countries."

Hu will hold talks with French President Sarkozy and meet French Premier Francois Fillon and other officials.

"Hu's visit to France can be interpreted as political gospel to the Sino-French ties, " said Zhao Junjie, an European studies expert at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

"It is a symbol that the bilateral relations between China and France have come out of the haze to strengthen political mutual trust and enhance the deep and strategic cooperation between the two countries."

In addition, Hu will talk with Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva and meet Prime Minister Jose Socrates and other officials.

"It can be expected that both countries will expand the collaboration in trade, investment and construction of infrastructure", said Fu, "also the cooperation in new energy and exchanges in humanistic sectors will be the emphasis of the bilateral collaboration".

Zhou Wa, Wang Chenyan and Xinhua contributed to this story.

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