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Chinese premier meets Japanese emperor

2010-06-02 03:02

TOKYO: Visiting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met with Japanese Emperor Akihito on Tuesday at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.

The Chinese premier said the development of China-Japan relations maintains a good momentum and faces new opportunities.

He said his visit to Japan was fruitful and he reached consensus with Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama on a wide range of issues during their talks on Monday.

Wen said he also had extensive contacts with Japanese people from various walks of life.

Wen also said the Chinese government attaches great importance to China-Japan ties and will work with the Japanese side to deepen mutual trust, expand pragmatic cooperation and advance the strategic relations of mutual benefit between the two countries.

Emperor Akihito recalled his visit to China in 1992. Exchanges and contact between the two nations date back to ancient times, he said.

Emperor Akihito also said expanding people-to-people exchanges can help deepen understanding between the Japanese and Chinese people.

He offered support for Wen's proposal to invite 1,000 Japanese young people to the ongoing Shanghai Expo.

He wished the Expo a complete success and expressed the hope that Japan-China cooperation would be deepened in such areas as culture, energy conservation and environmental protection through the Expo.

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