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China, Cuba pledge to boost military ties

2010-04-25 21:05

BEIJING -- Senior Chinese and Cuban military officials held talks here on Sunday, pledging to work together to promote relations between the two armed forces.

China was ready to deepen exchanges and cooperation with Cuba's armed forces, said Chen Bingde, chief of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army.

During the talks with Alvaro Lopez Miera, vice minister and chief of the General Staff of Cuba's Revolutionary Armed Forces, Chen hailed the sound communication and exchange of visits between military leaders of the two countries, saying it guaranteed a smooth development of Sino-Cuban military exchanges and cooperation.

"We always value the China-Cuba traditional friendship, and attach great importance to the development of bilateral ties," he said.

Lopez said Cuba was ready to make joint efforts with China to maintain the development of the relations between the two countries and militaries.

Starting the China tour on Saturday, Lopez is scheduled to conclude the official goodwill on April 29.

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