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139****3252 地动汶川世堪惊,多少生命废墟中,举国同悲旗半降,九州洒泪悼亡灵,同根生,手足情,慷慨解囊不为名,亿万同胞齐相助,中华热血化彩虹! 这是 2009-05-10 17:38
150****9113 灾难并不可怕,因为有爱在支撑着。在地震中失去家园和亲人的朋友们,你们不要伤心,我们会用爱为你们重筑家园,加油! 2009-05-10 17:37
158****8469 健康,平安,幸福!!! 2009-05-10 17:35
138****3734 转眼之间一年过去了,这一年来,四川同胞们经历了太多痛苦、悲伤与泪水,但我们永远与你们同在,我们一起分享重建家园的喜悦,我们永远在一起! 2009-05-10 17:30
135****1099 爱心援助,没有时间的阻隔;携手重建,超越空间的遥远。四川,中国,我们中华儿女,永远同命运,共呼吸! 2009-05-10 17:24
138****3307 灾难降临在一年前的四川,而希望的力量会为一年后的四川带来转机与更强的生命力 2009-05-10 17:22
138****8922 不管一年两年还是很多年,地震压不倒汶川人民坚强的信念,时间冲不去祖国人民真诚的祝福!汶川雄起!四川雄起!中国雄起! 2009-05-10 17:21
150****9474 512的时候我正高三,在教室里午休,突然天崩地裂…想到当时的情景都恐怖,现在我已在外地上大学了,但时时刻刻都没有忘记生我养我的四川,作 2009-05-10 17:19
150****9474 为一个四川人,我很骄傲,作为一个经历了地震的四川人,我更骄傲,在此,我衷心的为那些在地震中消亡的生命祈祷… 2009-05-10 17:19
136****3887 Come on.Everything will be OK because we are family. 2009-05-10 17:17
137****9277 愿逝者安息。 2009-05-10 17:16
134****1683 川已经重建的很好了。这就是中国,这就是爱,这就是温暖,这让我深深感到:大爱无边! 2009-05-10 17:09
134****1683 一年了,汶川地震已经慢慢退出了人们的生活主题。但是,带给大家的温暖却从未停止。这一年里,在党和政府的领导下,在全国各族人民的帮助下,四 2009-05-10 17:09
159****8877 What I want to say is Be a man.Everything will be ok with our hard-working.Best wishes for them. 2009-05-10 16:45
139****4565 hand in hand,nothing will be a problem. treasure the happy days,tolerate the tough days,everyday is a big day! 2009-05-10 16:43
150****2275 承载着14亿中华儿女的希望! 2009-05-10 16:20
150****2275 中华民族不惧怕任何天灾人祸!大灾有大爱,每次灾难之后,随之而来的必然是民族精神的巨大升华,人民群众的空前团结!腾飞吧,伟大的中华民族, 2009-05-10 16:20
159****5109 灾难已是历史上永不褪色的阴影,我们一起铭记那些灰暗的日子,忘记悲伤,让我们的爱和努力一起把灾区的天空照亮! 2009-05-10 16:00
151****8128 下午的课上,老师领着我们一起回顾了他们当时奔赴灾区当志愿者的日子,一种特别复杂的心情…真心祝福四川的人民有一个更加美好的明天!我们的心 2009-05-10 15:50
151****8128 永远在一起!加油! 2009-05-10 15:50
159****8289 nited and bravely fighted against all difficulties. We tried every effort to rescue the people trapped. We lost many things, but we gained more. This is 2009-05-10 15:30
159****8289 the beginning of uniting and harmony, the starting of a new time. 2009-05-10 15:30
159****8289 son about poorly-construed buildings, or vulnerability of lives and the most important is our cohesion to each other when faced with the earthquake. We u 2009-05-10 15:29
159****8289 The wenchuan disaster resulted in great destruction, of both people lives and wealth. Now it is over, but it will be never forgotten. We will learn a les 2009-05-10 15:29
150****6401 中国雄起 四川雄起。?也希望已经离开我们的同胞能够在天堂安息。 2009-05-10 15:14
139****5055 最无私最伟大的人,我的母亲 2009-05-10 14:38
134****7517 在去年,我们经历了一次前所未有的灾难,让我们懂得生命的可贵,在悲痛过后,使得我们变的更加团结与坚强,因为我们用爱来填补心灵的创伤! 2009-05-10 14:30
151****1341 我们应该在5月12日默哀,为灾区人民祈祷。 2009-05-10 14:07
139****9249 (1/2)地震带给我们伤害和痛苦…同时也考验了我们执著的信念和真诚的心。伤害已经过去…面对现在我们要用坚强的心去维护希望。我们要勇敢的活着! 2009-05-10 13:32
139****9249 (2/2)这是已逝同胞的愿望,也是关爱我们的心的期望。相信我们拥有一颗勇敢的中国心…四川加油!! 2009-05-10 13:32
138****8842 0 search, rescue and recover operations. Other countries also rendered aid in various forms. Indeed this demonstrates the true one human spirit in times o 2009-05-10 13:28
138****8842 0anks to the rebuilding efforts by the Government and the humanitarian assistance of the NGOs, public and private enterprizes, and many individuals. Altho 2009-05-10 13:28
138****8842 0f great calamity. Today, one year on, life for the peoples of Wenchuan and the surrounding areas affected by the quake has largely returned to normal; th 2009-05-10 13:28
138****8842 0heir faces. I rejoice with them for their resilience and wish them all the best as they continue to put their lives back to order. 2009-05-10 13:28
138****8842 0ugh the memories are still fresh, I believe that the quake-affected people are now more assured of their future, and I see that smiles have returned to t 2009-05-10 13:28
138****8842 0When the Wenchuan earthquake struck on 12 May 2008, there were much shock, sorrow and despair. But the Government and volunteers responded swiftly in the 2009-05-10 13:28
138****8842 / search, rescue and recover operations. Other countries also rendered aid in various forms. Indeed this demonstrates the true one human spirit in times o 2009-05-10 13:13
138****8842 /anks to the rebuilding efforts by the Government and the humanitarian assistance of the NGOs, public and private enterprizes, and many individuals. Altho 2009-05-10 13:13
138****8842 /f great calamity. Today, one year on, life for the peoples of Wenchuan and the surrounding areas affected by the quake has largely returned to normal; th 2009-05-10 13:13
138****8842 /heir faces. I rejoice with them and wish them all the best as they continue to put their lives back to order. 2009-05-10 13:13
138****8842 /ugh the memories are still fresh, I believe that the quake-affected people are now more assured of their future, and I see that smiles have returned to t 2009-05-10 13:13
138****8842 /When the Wenchuan earthquake struck on 12 May 2008, there were much shock, sorrow and despair. But the Government and volunteers responded swiftly in the 2009-05-10 13:13
134****4117 ?老师的安危…老师,我深深的感激你,也为自己感到深深的愧疚. 2009-05-10 13:03
134****4117 ?我们永远不会忘记一年前的那个日子…地震来临时,英语老师让我们先跑,直到看我们全都离开了教室,他才从座位上站起来…而在那时我们却没有想到 2009-05-10 13:03
135****7639 地震留下了伤害,但震不去我们的希望,太阳每天都是从头再来的,心若在梦就在,祝愿灾区人民心境好,生活好,雄起,迎接生活的精彩! 2009-05-10 12:57
137****4804 今天是地震后的第354天。愿逝去的同胞在天堂能够安息;愿幸存者更加坚强,拾起重建家园的信心。“多难兴邦”铸就了团结和凝聚;“中国脊梁” 2009-05-10 12:57
137****4804 炼出了坚强和不屈。天佑中华,四川加油,中国雄起!!! 2009-05-10 12:57
139****9395 ?As it has been a year since the pathetic moment, i don‘t want give any wishes to my friends far away from wenchuan as i have send a lot before, i just wa 2009-05-10 12:49
139****9395 ?nna say , keep going, cause many people are behind u, we are alaways supporting you-our families. 2009-05-10 12:49
152****0091 祝愿一年后的你们能够摆脱灾难带来的不幸,过上快乐乐观的生活! 2009-05-10 12:45
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