“I was looking forward to our online discussion of trade and commerce issues between the United States and China and our two countries. I understand Chinese ‘netizens’ are very knowledgeable about U.S.-China relations and are eager to dicuss ways that we can continue to strengthen our ties. Unfortunately, due to some scheduling changes and official meetings I must attend, I will not be able to do so in a live webchat on this visit. I would like to thank the many of you who have already submitted questions online. Although I will not have time to answer all of them, I will take some of them with me and answer them for ChinaDaily.com to post online. Thank you for your understanding and for your eagerness to be a part of this dynamic relationship.”

我一直都期待着能在网上和大家讨论美中间的贸易、商务关系和美中两国的关系。 我了解到中国的网民对美中关系知之甚多,并且渴望探讨能够加强两国纽带的途径。可惜因为日程出现变化,我还必须参加一些官方会议,此行中将不能参加直播聊天了。我非常感谢已经在网上列出问题的网友。尽管我不能全部回答这些问题,但是我将带走一部分回去作答并把答案交给中国日报网发在他们的网上。谢谢你们的理解和你们对参与充满活力的美中关系的热情。