环球娱乐>独家策划>爱无止境 空气补给站北京演唱会>经典视听
2010-10-28 14:24:15      来源:互动百科

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1976: ''Air Supply'' [Australian Record Company]

1977: ''The Whole Thing Started'' [Epic Sony]

1977: ''Love & Other Bruises'' [Columbia Records]

1979: ''Life Support'' [Rereleased 1996 EMI Australia]

1980: ''Lost In Love'' #22 US [Arista Records]

1981: ''The One That You Love'' #10 US [Arista Records]

1982: ''Now And Forever'' #25 US [Arista Records]

1983: ''Greatest Hits'' #7 US [Arista Records]

1983: ''Making Love... The Very Best of Air Supply'' [Arista Records]

1985: ''Air Supply'' #26 US [Arista Records]

1986: ''Hearts In Motion'' #84 US [Arista Records]

1987: ''The Christmas Album'' [Arista Records]

1987: ''Russell Hitchcock (Solo Album) '' [Arista Records]

1991: ''The Earth Is... '' [Giant Records]

1993: ''The Vanishing Race'' [Giant Records]

1995: ''News From Nowhere'' [Giant Records]

1995: ''Greatest Hits Live - Now And Forever'' [Giant Records]

1997: ''The Book Of Love'' [Giant Records]

1999: ''The Definitive Collection'' [Arista Records]

2001: ''Sweet Dreams - The Encore Collection''

2001: ''Yours Truly'' [Giant Records]

2002: ''The Ultimate Collection: Millennium''

2002: ''The Heart of the Rose: A Rock Opera'' [Graham Russell project] [A Nice Pair]

2002: ''Celestine Travelers'' [Graham Russell project] [A Nice Pair]

2003: ''Across the Concrete Sky'' [A Nice Pear]

2003: ''Forever Love: 36 Greatest Hits''

2003: ''The Ultimate Collection''

2004: ''Platinum and Gold Collection'' [Arista Records]

2005: ''Love Songs'' [Arista Records]

2005: ''All Out of Love Live'' [Cleopatra]

2005: ''It Was 30 Years Ago Today''

2005: ''The Singer And The Song'' [A Nice Pear] (added by Airhead_1)

2007: ''The Future'' [Graham Russell solo project] ''

来源:互动百科     实习编辑:况况


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