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威廉凯特今日大婚 全球20亿人观看

2011-04-29 14:50:12
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特别推荐:英威廉王子大婚 新世纪“童话婚礼”登场

威廉凯特今日大婚 全球20亿人观看

Prince William and Kate Middleton. After eight long and sometimes lonely years of waiting, Kate Middleton will today marry Prince William.

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After eight long and sometimes lonely years of waiting, Kate Middleton will today marry Prince William.

At 11am, the middle-class graduate – who, so legend has it, used to lie in her dormitory bed gazing at a picture of her husband-to-be – will enter Westminster Abbey as a commoner and an hour later walk out as the future Queen Catherine.

Last night Kate was positively glowing as she arrived at the central London hotel where she was to spend her final night as a single woman.

With her mother, Carole, and younger sister, Pippa, she paused for several minutes and waved to the delighted well-wishers who had gathered outside.

Today's chapter in the couple's romance – punctuated, like many relationships, with tearful break-ups and emotional reunions – will be watched by an estimated worldwide audience of two billion.

More than half a million will line London's streets as part of a joyful celebration similar to the outbreak of optimism 30 years ago when William's parents, Charles and Diana, married at St Paul's Cathedral.

The only fly in the ointment could be the weather. Forecasters admitted that a burst of April showers was a distinct possibility.

The couple's thoroughly modern relationship has seen them become the most senior members of the Royal Family to live together before marriage, an unthinkable arrangement even a couple of decades ago.

Unlike the Queen, who promised to obey Prince Philip when they married in 1947, Kate will today pledge only to 'love, comfort, honour and keep'.

She has kept the country guessing right up until the 11th hour over the identity of the designer of her much-anticipated dress, telling friends she wanted it to be a surprise for William.

(Read by Lee Hannon. Lee Hannon is a journalist at the China Daily Website.)













英威廉王子大婚 新世纪“童话婚礼”登场

威廉今日大婚 宾客将面临严格安保检查


威廉婚期将至 英国王室面具热销


王室成员美女榜 凯特挤走戴安娜排第三

皇室婚礼宾客名单确定 准夫妇前恋人受邀

威廉大婚在即 英国民众办派对狂欢

威廉王子发婚礼请帖 众多明星在列

(中国日报网英语点津 Julie 编辑: 冯明惠)


glowing: ardent, wholehearted, enthusiastic, rapturous, unstinting(热情洋溢的)

fly in the ointment: 煞风景的事,美中不足之处

