Hong Kong freewheeling

Updated: 2016-05-16 08:43

(HK Edition)

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Hong Kong can appear hostile to cyclists. Steep climbs, hot humid weather and a lack of bike lanes make commuting by peddle power almost impossible. But get away from the city center and there are plenty of great cycling options. Sure, negotiating the muddied paths in the wetlands of Nam Sang Wai after a spell of rain or cranking one's bike up the hills in South Lantau can be tricky but on the upside is fresh air, good exercise, to say nothing of the stunning views awaiting at every turn. D.J. Clark picks five of his favorite biking getaways. From the lanes winding around Cheung Chau Island, to the long ride along the causeway that joins Tai Mei Tuk Dam to Shatin Bay, to the South Lantau loop which takes in beaches, hills and a reservoir, there is terrain for every biker. Clark has also put together a series of breathtaking videos using his camera phone and a small drone he carries everywhere on his back. As if the prospect of getting to recharge one's batteries wasn't incentive enough!

Watch the videos of all five bike rides at


Hong Kong freewheeling

Hong Kong freewheeling

(HK Edition 05/16/2016 page9)