Administration of Lui Che Woo Prize

Updated: 2016-04-11 08:25

(HK Edition)

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Lui Che Woo Prize Limited (, an independent company from K Wah Group, has been formed to handle related affairs. To set up the Prize, Lui Che-woo has made a generous donation of HK$2 billion as initial working capital. Lui is the chairman of the Board of Governors of the company, while the other board members are Tsui Lap-chee, Frederick Ma and Moses Cheng.

The Prize is governed and selected by a three-tier structure, comprising the Prize Council, the Prize Recommendation Committee and the Selection Panels of three Prize Categories.


The Prize Council comprises five international personages and leaders. Lui Che-woo is the Chairman of the Prize Council. It is responsible for the deliberation and approval of the awardees recommended by the Prize Recommendation Committee.

Lui Che-woo

* Founder & Chairman of the Board of Governors cum Prize Council.

Tung Chee-hwa

* Vice Chairman of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, People's Republic of China

* Former Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Condoleezza Rice

* Former US Secretary of State

* The Denning Professor in Global Business and the Economy at the Stanford Graduate School of Business; the Thomas and Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution; and a professor of Political Science at Stanford University

James Wolfensohn

* Former President of the World Bank

* Chairman of Wolfensohn & Company, LLC

Rowan Douglas Williams

* Master of Magdalene College

* Bishop of Monmouth and Archbishop of Wales


The Prize Recommendation Committee comprises six world renowned academics or top people of different disciplines. It is responsible for deciding a specific area of focus for each Prize Category every year and forming and supervising the Selection Panels of each Prize Category, reviewing the proposal for awards submitted by the Selection Panels of the three Prize Categories and recommending awardees to the Prize Council.

Administration of Lui Che Woo Prize

(HK Edition 04/11/2016 page8)