Girl's night off for Valentine's

Updated: 2015-02-14 09:17

By Maggie Beale(HK Edition)

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Cooking at home is generally seen as the role of women, whereas chefs in professional kitchens are almost always men. So, this is aimed at putting the boys firmly in charge of the home kitchen while the ladies relax or pamper themselves at the beauty parlour.

The golden rule is to be well prepared. Make a list of things you will need for the dinner, including butter, cooking oil, herbs and spices - and don't forget the drinks. Chilled champagne or sparkling wine is almost mandatory but she may be teetotal, so make a special tea.

The menu: Giant shrimp, Italian Risotto and Super Chocolate dessert. Start by making the dessert - or you can do this the night before.

Girl's night off for Valentine's

Chocolate Parfait: Break 100-gms 90-percent dark chocolate into small pieces, melt in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water. Once melted, allow to cool for 5 minutes, then beat in 1 egg plus 1 yolk, 1 Tbsp fine sugar until pale and thick. In a separate bowl, whisk 200 ml cream until thick. Add the melted chocolate mix to the beaten egg and sugar and stir in the cream until completely combined. You can also add a few drops of vanilla essence. Serve in pretty glasses along with small red fruit such as raspberries or strawberries.

Wash 6 Jumbo shrimps, remove the long feelers. Cut along the back of the shell (only) starting at the neck, extract and discard the black vein, place shrimps with head and shell still attached, into a bowl, mix together 1 Tbsp olive oil, 1 Tbsp chopped coriander, red onion diced, 1 tspn lemon juice, and a pinch of salt and pour over the shrimps. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour+.

Italian risotto: clean and slice 150 gms fresh mushrooms - portobello, brown meadow, or chanterelles or a mixture of all. Heat 40 gms butter and 1 Tbsp oil in a high-sided frying pan. Add red onion chopped finely and cook on low heat until soft. Add the mushrooms and saut until golden, 6-8 minutes.

Add 4 Tbsp dry white wine, and 1 cup of uncooked Italian short grain Arborio or Spanish Bomba rice. Be aware that Chinese and Thai fragrant rice do work for this dish. Gradually add in the mushrooms with all their cooking juices and have ready 1 cup of heated vegetable stock but don't add it to the rice just yet.

Allow 18-20 minutes for this next step. Start by stirring in the 1 scoop of the hot stock at a time, allowing the liquid to be absorbed before adding another scoopful, and stirring again. This will keep the risotto rich and creamy.

After 17 minutes, remove pan from the stove and mix in 1 heaped Tbsp grated parmesan cheese and 20gms of butter. Taste and add seasoning if needed. Cover and set aside while you grill the shrimps. Discard the marinade, put shrimps on a hot grill or into a frying pan and cook for 2 minutes each side. Remove from heat and serve on top of the risotto with a sprinkling of chopped flat-leaf parsley.

Since the Middle Ages it has been commonly believed that February 14 begins the mating season for birds, which adds to the idea that Valentine's Day should be a day for romance.

Adding to that, the author of Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu, advised, "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."

And, in Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare wrote, "My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite."

A note to the ladies; Okay, girls, you've bought the flowers - hey, you would expect them if the roles were reversed! And hire a babysitter, if necessary. Put on your best dress and prepared yourself to praise the setting, the food and thoughtfulness of the chef - you know, all the things you would like to hear yourself. Sit back and enjoy yourself on Girl's Night Off - with a feast for lovers.

For China Daily

(HK Edition 02/14/2015 page6)