Hu reiterates support for SARs

Updated: 2012-11-09 06:28

By Michelle fei in Beijing and Li Likui in Hong Kong(HK Edition)

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President's speech at Party congress outlines hopes for HK and Macao

President Hu Jintao on Thursday reiterated the central government's firm support for the chief executives and governments of Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions in performing their duties in accordance with the law.

"The central government will firmly support them in leading the people from all walks of life in focusing on economic development, taking effective steps to improve the people's well-being, and advancing orderly and phased-in democracy as well as inclusiveness, mutual support and harmony."

Hu, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks in a speech at the opening session of the 18th National Congress of the CPC in Beijing.

The president expressed his confidence that the people of Hong Kong and Macao have the wisdom, ability and resourcefulness to successfully govern and develop the two SARs.

"They can certainly also play an active role in national affairs and share with other people of all ethnic groups in China the dignity and glory of being Chinese."

It is vital to uphold China's sovereignty, security and development interests and maintain long-term prosperity and stability of the SARs, he said.

These are the underlying goals of the principles and policies adopted by the central government concerning Hong Kong and Macao, including the principle of "One Country, Two Systems", said the president.

Differences in the two systems should be respected within the one-China principle; a high degree of autonomy in the two SARs should be ensured under the authority of the central government. Balanced efforts should also be made for the mainland to become the staunch supporter of Hong Kong and Macao, and increase the competitiveness of the two SARs at the same time. And "at no time should we focus only on one side to the neglect of the other", said the president.

With 2012 marking the 15th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, Hu reckoned that Hong Kong, as well as Macao, have embarked on a broad road, along which the two regions and the mainland draw on each other's strengths and pursue common development.

The year also marked Hong Kong's transition to a new administration led by Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying.

The president also promised to increase economic ties and trade between the mainland and the two regions and to promote exchanges and cooperation with each other in all fields.

The Communist Party congress opened on Thursday and was scheduled to last for one week until Nov 14.

Li Gang, deputy director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, on Thursday described the concept of "Hong Kong independence" as "gamesmanship" and said the public will not support those who are playing games.

"I personally think that there is no market for 'Hong Kong independence' in the SAR. Because no matter whether it be 'Hong Kong independence', or 'Taiwan independence', they are all actions to split the nation and impair the country's sovereignty greatly," said Li.

Responding to a rumor of a change in the city's chief executive, Li characterized it as a "groundless statement" and acknowledged Leung's performance since taking office.

"As chief executive, Leung's achievements in leading the city to develop the economy, improve people's living conditions, promote a harmonious society and advance democracy, are there for all to see. I believe, in time, Leung can achieve better," said Li.

In response to a question about implementation of national security legislation, under Article 23 of the Basic Law, Li said the SAR government has the constitutional responsibility to fulfill the legislation under the Basic Law, since it involves national sovereignty and security.

"As for when the legislation should be completed, the SAR government earlier had a discussion and agreed to wait until after it consults the public and for the right moment to come to fulfill the constitutional responsibility," said Li.

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(HK Edition 11/09/2012 page1)