A danger to people and pets

Updated: 2012-11-08 06:11

(HK Edition)

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 A danger to people and pets

The label on a container of paraquat sold over the counter in Hong Kong as weed killer.

Paraquat remains one of the most widely used herbicides in the world even though it is highly acutely toxic and banned in 32 countries with thousands of people as well as animals among its victims.

As little as a teaspoon of concentrated paraquat can result in death by respiratory failure in a few days or as long as a month. When absorbed by swallowing, through broken skin or by being inhaled, paraquat can damage the lungs, heart, kidneys, central nervous system, liver, muscles and causes multi-organ failure. There is no antidote.

One farmer died just 3.5 hours after spraying diluted paraquat with a leaking knapsack, according to a report by the Pesticide Action Network. Other people have died after spilling the concentrate on their skin, and thousands more have suffered severe acute and chronic effects from occupational use, the report found.

Paraquat has been found to cause or accelerate Parkinson's disease and is a risk to unborn children. In pregnant women it can cross the placenta and cause acute poisoning leading to death or chronic lifelong effects.

(HK Edition 11/08/2012 page4)