Wu authorizes closing of H1N1 center as threat wanes

Updated: 2010-02-26 07:33

(HK Edition)

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TAIPEI: "Premier" Wu Den-yih said yesterday that he has approved the disbanding of the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), which was set up last April to fight the new influenza A(H1N1) pandemic, but he added that the center will resume operations if a third wave of H1N1 cases occurs.

After receiving a briefing by the Department of Health (DOH), Wu said that he agreed with the department's decision to disband the center two days ago, because it has accomplished its mission of disease prevention and control and has reduced the negative impact of H1N1 on Taiwan to the lowest level.

However, Wu cautioned that the closing of the center does not mean the H1N1 pandemic is over or that epidemic prevention work has been suspended.

He said the government will continue its efforts in monitoring the epidemic situation, providing vaccination and health care services, stockpiling anti-flu medications and promoting the concept of health.

The government will also help and provide health care for patients who experienced side effects after receiving the H1N1 vaccine, the "premier" added.

According to DOH chief Yaung Chih-liang, H1N1 flu cases have waned significantly worldwide, except for Southeast Asia and South America.

Yaung said although the World Health Organization has advised that it was too early to conclude that the pandemic was in a post-peak period, the flu infections in many developed countries have waned because of the countries' well-established monitoring systems and vaccination programs for epidemic control.

The total number of confirmed H1N1 deaths in Taiwan was 41, while that of Americans who have died from H1N1 is about 11,000.

China Daily/CNA

(HK Edition 02/26/2010 page3)