Taiwan demands repatriation

Updated: 2009-09-16 07:52

(HK Edition)

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Taiwan demands repatriation

TAIPEI: Taiwan's "foreign affairs" chief called on Japan yesterday to return a local fishboat captain, held by Japanese authorities for illegal fishing in disputed waters of the East China Sea.

"(We) have given the relatives our guarantee that we will do what we can to shorten the process and effect the return of the people and the boat as soon as possible," new Taiwan "foreign affairs" chief Timothy Yang said.

"We hope that Japan will provide evidence of where the boat was located, as well as evidence of the entire chain of events," he told reporters yesterday.

"Skipper Wang Wei-hsi is in Japan to assist in the investigation of the incident, and we hope he will return to Taiwan soon," "foreign ministry" spokesman James Chang told AFP.

After Japan detained the skipper on Sunday, Taiwan sent five coastguard vessels to the area, while Japan dispatched an equal number of ships, according to the Taiwan side.

The incident began when Formosa Chieftain No 2, a 49-ton sports fishing boat, was accosted by Japanese maritime vessels over allegations of illegal fishing, according to Taiwan's coastguard.

The 44-year-old skipper declined the request by Japanese officials to board his vessel, arguing that he was operating in Taiwanese waters.

The Japan Coastguard said it arrested Wang on suspicion of violating the nation's fishing law by being within Japan's exclusive economic zone.

Wang's boat and one crew member were also held on Japan's Ishigaki island while nine tourists onboard were returned to Taiwan, the local coastguard said.

Taipei and Tokyo have held 14 rounds of negotiations over territorial fishing disputes since 1996. They have yet to reach an agreement.

Chang said the incident would not affect ties with Japan.

The East China Sea has been the scene of several territorial disputes over the chain of islets known as Senkaku in Japanese and as Diaoyu in Chinese.


(HK Edition 09/16/2009 page2)