Ocean Park probes deaths of sturgeon

Updated: 2008-12-13 07:59

By Joseph Li(HK Edition)

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Experts at the Ocean Park are investigating the cause of death of a Chinese sturgeon that died last week.

A company spokesman said on Friday that the possibility of the sturgeon being attacked has been ruled out.

The other two Chinese sturgeons that showed similar symptom were removed from the Chinese Sturgeon Aquarium for further observation and treatment but the aquarium is open for the time being.

Ocean Park chairman Allan Zeman expressed dismay over the death of a second sturgeon in six months. He said initial investigation showed that the sturgeon could have suffered from some form of bacterial infection but the cause is yet to be ascertained and is subject to further investigation.

He was confident that the Ocean Park experts would explore ways to provide better care for the Chinese sturgeons together with the mainland experts.

In June this year, the central government sent five Chinese sturgeons to the Hong Kong SAR government as a gift to mark its 11th anniversary. However, one of them was killed by a barracuda. The central government later sent another five sturgeons to Hong Kong and the nine sturgeons were kept together in the new Chinese Sturgeon Aquarium converted from the old shark aquarium.

The Ocean Park plans to keep the remaining six sturgeons in a standby feeding pool temporarily, said the spokesman. By that time, the Chinese Sturgeon Aquarium will be closed to the public, to enable the experts to further assess the facilities and conduct a disinfection program.

An ocean biologist said the Chinese sturgeon might have died because it could not adapt to the living environment in Hong Kong or it might get infected by an unknown virus.

(HK Edition 12/13/2008 page1)