How to make pumpkin buns
250g plain flour
150g plain flour
250g pumpkin, skinned and steamed
8g dry yeast
150 ml water, plus extra
1. Mix dry yeast with about 50ml warm water. Stir to dissolve.
2. Add half the yeast to 250g flour, then add more water until dough is mixed till breadcrumb stage.
3. Turn out on floured board and knead till smooth.
4, Cover plain dough with damp cloth and prove till almost double.
5. Puree pumpkin with a fork and when it is cold, mix into the 150g flour. Mix in remainder of yeast solution. Knead well, and set aside to prove.
6. When the two batches of dough are risen, knock and roll together. Cut into shapes and place on steamer rack.
7. Steam over high heat for 30 minutes until fluffy and cooked.
Recipe provided by Pauline D.Loh
Videographer/Photographer/Editor: Fan Zhen
Special thanks to Eric Jou and Lin Jian
Related story: One man's good earth
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