Enjoy teppanyaki in cushioned comfort

Kong Yi Ji has cooperated with Haiku by Hatsune to open a teppanyaki section in the Japanese restaurant at No 8 Chaoyang Park. Private rooms with soft cushioned seats are designed to exude a feel of leisure. The cooking happens right in front of you.
Their cold appetizers include a mixture of poached prawn, potato salad, and Chinese yam slices. The tuna salad has variety and perfect seasoning. The foie gras is fresh and juicy, and comes with a slice of kiwi fruit, while the chicken is sizzling hot. Of course, you can also order sashimi and sushi, downing it all with good sake.
Dessert recommendations include chocolate cake, with two slices of super-smooth avocado baked on an iron plate.
This place has a quiet ambience. Average cost is above 200 yuan ($29.3) per person.
11:30-2 pm, 5:30-9:50 pm. 3/F above Kongyiji, inside Haiku by Hatsune, No 8 West Gate of Chaoyang Park, Chaoyang district, Beijing. 6508-8585