球迷辣评:我们真幸运意大利队只有一个前锋 - 中国日报网
2014巴西世界杯 > 球评滚不停



2014-06-15 10:11:40




England's Gary Cahill (L) and Phil Jagielka blocks a shot by Italy's Matteo Darmian (C) during their 2014 World Cup Group D soccer match at the Amazonia arena in Manaus, June 14, 2014. [Photo/Agencies]


1. Viking:

It is no wonder that Man United were rubbish last year if the players had to listen to Phil Neville in trading. The man has actually forced me to turn the sound down and listen to the radio with the TV. He is monosyllabic and is totally without personality. Get him on the next plane home BBC. You are ruining what could be a good coverage


2. Captain Sparrow:

We are lucky that Italian's are playing with one striker. Balotelli is the only Italian player roaming in and outside the box which makes it easier for Cahill and Jaglielka to deal with. However, if they put another player alongside Balotelli, it will be different game seeing how freely Italian midfielders are dictating the game. For god's sake, do something in the midfield!

2、Captain Sparrow:我们真幸运意大利队只有一个前锋,巴洛特利一人在场上跑来跑去的,这样卡希尔贾吉尔卡好办多啦。不过,如果意大利队再放一名队员在巴洛特利旁,那就随意大利中场自由发挥了。哦!上帝呀,在中场干点什么吧!

3. gormenghastly:

Have either Henderson or Gerrad even touched the ball yet? The England "midfield" is non-existent.


4. recently_lobotomized:

The sad thing is Italy hasn't even been playing very well. Why is England giving them so much respect and allowing them to play so high up the pitch?


5. Zielepoot:

I'm not a united hater, but please drop rooney, he slacks in defence, he's always 1-2 seconds too slow.


6. Mac:

How dirty were Uruguay! You can see why Suarez is the way he is. The game against England will be very interesting, and how the Liverpool players will react if/when he plays up.


7. man in a suitcase:

Having watched all the games so far, it is obvious the match officials have been instructed to assist the south american/ latin american sides to progress into the next round, despite their blatant breeches of the rules, the match officials are compliant in this, this world cup has been stitched up.

7、man in a suitcase:看完整场比赛,发现官方真偏袒南美、拉美呢,尽管他们明目张胆的犯规,赛事官员抱怨不断,仍助他们进入下一轮,看来本届世界杯是被人设计了。

(译者 小海鱼子 编辑 齐磊)



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