球迷辣评:将科斯塔征召入队真是一大灾难 - 中国日报网
2014巴西世界杯 > 球评滚不停



2014-06-14 12:40:00





Spain's goalkeeper Iker Casillas (C) and teammates Cesar Azpilicueta (R) and Fernando Torres react after a goal scored by Stefan de Vrij of the Netherlands (not pictured) during their 2014 World Cup Group B match at the Fonte Nova arena in Salvador June 13, 2014. [Photo/Agencies]

1. T Rex, Jurassic Park, United Kingdom, 6 minutes ago

Del Bosque has lost the plot. Including Costa in the squad was a recipe for disaster. He's dirty, that's true, but his biggest problem is being Brazilian, having played for Brazil and now representing Spain.....in Brazil.

1. 博斯克失去了立场,将科斯塔征召入队真是一大灾难。他内心真是肮脏。最大的问题是,他是巴西人,在为巴西队踢球,而现在却在巴西代表西班牙出场。

2. Willis_Hide, Auckland, New Zealand, 58 minutes ago

Looks like FIFA are doing everything they can to ensure Brazil win the World Cup and not Spain.

2. 国际足联似乎在尽其所能为巴西队而不是西班牙队夺冠铺路。

3. Twenty Three 5 star hotel rooms going spare end of June in Brazil. All reasonable offers accepted. Please contact Mr.Fernando Torres.

3. 在巴西,六月底有23个五星级宾馆房间空着。欢迎所有合理的报价。有意者请于托雷斯先生联系。

4. Captaindavidmoyes, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2 hours ago

Thank you Van Gaal for the lesson. Christ all chelsea player were awful apart from azpilicueta. Diego was shot, Torres, Torres, To... i have no word for him and Fabregas even though he came in late he was dreadfull.

4. 谢谢范加尔给西班牙上了一课。除了阿皮利奎斯塔,所有的切尔西球员都是一坨屎。托雷斯,托雷斯,托……我对他真是无语。

5. paul baldeh, boston, U.S. Virgin Islands, 2 hours ago

Diego costa is now talking with FIFA asking if he can change and play for Brasil or Portugal

5. 科斯塔如今正和国际足联商谈,询问自己是否能改换国籍,为巴西队或葡萄牙队效力。

6. I think the officials were confusing Cameroon for Brazil in the yellow shirts and screwed Mexico twice as a result with bad decisions.

6. 我认为裁判是给搞混了,以为穿黄色球衣的喀麦隆队是巴西队。

(译者 非石头 编辑 齐磊)

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