1. 比赛气氛没有令人失望
1. The atmosphere did not disappoint
即使以爱热闹的巴西球迷标准判断,本场赛前氛围也异常狂热。著名的桑巴黄衫军球迷为半成品体育场掩盖掉了诸多缺陷,欢欣鼓舞,全力支持主办国巴西队。当巴西人进球时, 球迷的呐喊到了极致。
对于世界杯来说,能听到这样一群人有这么强烈的热情和反应,这是难以置信的。看一下看台,你可以看到整个城市烟花满天。这场比赛非常需要桑巴军团 ,保持着良好的发展势头,让当地人大饱眼福。如果此次获得成功,赢球的势头将保持下去,为接下来的比赛建立信心。
The atmosphere beforehand was extraordinary, even by the standards of Brazil’s fun-loving fans. Those famous yellow shirts masked the many imperfections in this half-finished stadium to provide spine-tingling support for the hosts. But the noise levels went stratospheric whenever Brazil scored. It was incredible, even for a World Cup, to hear a crowd react with quite so much fervour. Looking beyond the stands you could see fireworks exploding right across the city. This tournament badly needs a successful Selecao to maintain momentum and keep the locals engaged. If that success is attained, the ripples spread wide.