2014巴西世界杯 > China Daily独家



2014-06-10 15:40:23






Pelé (Brazil)

World Cups 1958, 1962, 1966, 1970

Appearances 14

Goals 12

Selecting anyone else at No1 would have meant a World Cup form of sacrilege. Diego Maradona may have grabbed Mexico 86 by its lapel in a way that no player has done in a World Cup, before or since, but Pelé’s deeds were spread over four tournaments and when the excellence is that pronounced it will always make a persuasive argument in his favour.

If you consider that he was 17 when he announced himself at the 1958 tournament, and 12 years later his contribution to the finest Brazil team there has ever been, there is certainly a compelling argument that nobody has ever done more.

Everyone remembers 1970, the first World Cup finals to be televised in colour, and the greatness of the team of Pelé, Jairzinho, Gérson, Carlos Alberto, Tostão and Rivelino and so many other ideal wearers of their yellow and blue.

The glories of Brazil in the black-and-white era are not so commonly replayed but Pelé’s contribution was enormous again. The teenage Pelé scored six times in his four games in 1958 and the last two, enabling Brazil to overcome Sweden in the final by a score of 5-2, completed a story so remarkable it left even his opponents in awe.

Pelé’s first remains one of the all-time World Cup goals, chesting the ball down, flicking it over a defender, then volleying in. Sigvard “Sigge” Parling, the Sweden player, would later reflect: “When Pelé scored the fifth goal, I have to be honest and say I felt like applauding.”

Pele’s contribution in 1962 was stifled by injury and the fouling on him was so brutal four years later that he vowed it would be his last tournament. The story of football should be grateful he changed his mind. As Clodoaldo, one of his colleagues in 1970, put it: “In some countries they wanted to touch him, in some they wanted to kiss him. In others they even kissed the ground he walked on.”






选择其他人作为世界杯历史最佳球员都意味着对世界杯的亵渎。迭戈·马拉多纳(Diego Maradona)在1986年墨西哥世界杯带领阿根廷队夺冠的经历可能是前无古人且后无来者的,不过贝利闪耀了四届世界杯,他的出色表现足以证明他当选世界杯历史最佳球员是很有说服力的。


大家都记得1970年世界杯,因为这届世界杯的决赛第一次在彩色电视上进行直播,同时大家也欣赏到了一个伟大的巴西队,欣赏到了贝利、雅伊尔津霍(Jairzinho)、热尔松(Gerson)、卡洛斯·阿尔贝托(Carlos Alberto)、托斯唐(tostao)和里维利诺(Rivelino),还有其他穿着蓝黄球衣偶像们的表演。


贝利在决赛中的第一个进球至今仍是世界杯历史最佳进球之一。当时贝利胸部停球,用脚尖点球晃开一名防守队员,然后凌空抽射得分。绰号为“西格”的瑞典队球员西格瓦尔德·帕林(Sigvard Parling)赛后表示:“当贝利打进第五个球的时候,老实说我都忍不住为他们鼓掌了。”


标签: iNews 世界杯


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