2014巴西世界杯 > China Daily独家



2014-06-10 15:34:48






In a few days' time, on 12 June, Brazil play Croatia in the opening match of theWorld Cup. For some, this will be the start of a month embedded in front of atelevision; for as many – if audience figures are an accurate measure – it will be a time to start moaning. About how everything is football, football, football. Well, yes, it is. But it's only for a month. So give the rest of us a break.

It's hardly as if the TV schedules are ever that great in the summer, so we're not keeping you away from anything. Try to think of it as repayment for all those dull programmes you've made us watch over the course of the year. Better still, try to join in the fun. It's not compulsory to have the volume turned up when Adrian Chiles is presenting. Quite the reverse. And if you can't bring yourself to cheer when your team wins, at least take pleasure in the disappointment of others when their team is knocked out. Schadenfreude is one of football's greatest pleasures.

Here are four classic criticisms football killjoys will make this summer – and how to answer them.

It doesn't matter

If you're going to be like that, then what does matter? Most things we do – certainly most of the programmes we watch on television – are no more than ways to fill in time. We're all going to be dead sooner or later anyway. But seeing as we're all still here for the moment, we might as well try to enjoy some of it. What else were you planning to do for the duration of the World Cup that was so important? Watch re-runs of Lewis on ITV2? Besides, do you remember how you were certain the London Olympics were going to be a total waste of money and you wouldn't watch any of them? They weren't so bad in the end, were they?

They're all millionaires

Strictly speaking, this probably isn't true. I doubt every player in the Iranian and Honduras squads has a million in the bank. But even if they do, what of it? They're still some of the best footballers in the world. Besides, if you have a moral objection to being entertained by millionaires, then you had better be consistent. No more going to see any Hollywood blockbusters at the movies. Come to think of it, you can also forget about watching the new series of Sherlock whenever it comes out, because Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are both loaded now. Essentially you can wave goodbye to ever enjoying anything good enough to have become a huge success.

They've got nothing to do with me

And be grateful for it. A night in front of the TV watching Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and Wayne Rooney is time well spent: a night out with the three of them in a bar is probably quite hard work. I'd imagine the conversation might drag a little at times. The feeling that you can only watch people on television with whom you feel some connection or empathy suggests a deep narcissism, or a borderline personality disorder. You know that moment on the BBC Ten O'Clock News when Fiona Bruce looks deep into your eyes and says: "And finally …"? I'm sorry to disillusion you, but she's not actually looking into your eyes. Not really.

It's just a game

What's so bad about that? At least it only lasts 90 minutes, bar the hours of chat in which pundits try to impose a pattern on a random series of events. And if you do require your games to have a serious moral purpose, then think of the World Cup as a more peaceful version of warfare – where England get to relive their rivalries with Germany; the US square up to Russia; Argentina and Uruguay can lock horns without anyone getting killed. Hopefully. Put like this, the World Cup is a parallel version of Newsnight, with the guns being replaced by a ball. Who wouldn't want to watch that?


以下言论是你今夏将听到的四类经典吐槽段子,均来自人们对电视上播不停的足球赛事的抱怨。《卫报》 记者教你如何有力地回击。


今夏电视节目表的精彩程度超过以往任何时刻,好节目不容错过。就当是对过去一年我们“被”看了各种无聊电视节目的补偿。若是能学会享受其中的乐趣那最好不过了。完全没必要一看到解说艾德里安·奇尔斯(Adrian Chiles)就调大音量。倘若你无法在你支持的球队获胜时大声欢呼,那么不妨在别人因支持的球队输球而沮丧的时候偷着乐吧。幸灾乐祸果然是看球最大的乐趣之一。





严格说来并非如此。我怀疑是否每位伊朗队与洪都拉斯队的球员在银行都有超过一百万的存款。即使有,那么确切数字是多少呢?毕竟他们是世界顶尖球员。此外,你若有仇富心态,可别轻易变卦呀。不去看好莱坞大腕演的电影就是了。最好也别追《神探夏洛克》(Sherlock)了,谁叫夏洛克与华生的扮演者本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)和马丁·弗瑞曼(Martin Freeman)那么有钱呢?看来你只能彻底挥别一切在他们成名前你曾热捧过的东西。


我们要心怀感激。晚上守在电视机前看里奥内尔·梅西(Lionel Messi)、克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(Cristiano Ronaldo)和韦恩·鲁尼(Wayne Rooney)的比赛比起大晚上和朋友们赴酒吧应酬那样的苦差事要幸福得多。当你看着电视上的人,感觉到他们在注视你,和你交流,其实这种感觉暴露出你陷入自我陶醉的深渊或是患有边缘型人格障碍。你一定熟悉下面的场景,英国广播公司十点新闻(BBC Ten O'Clock News)的女主播菲奥娜·布鲁斯(Fiona Bruce)深情地望着你,说“节目的最后……”。抱歉我得打断你的幻想,她并不是在看你。真的不是。



(译者 拉风_悦 编辑 齐磊)

标签: iNews 世界杯


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