How they qualified Apparently there’s some football tournament or something going on inBrazil. World Cup high Winners in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 and 2002, but it is the 1970 triumph that inspires the most impassioned tributes. World Cup low The sad spectacle of an unwell Ronaldo and his team being rolled over 3-0 by France in the 1998 final. Familiar faces Julio Cesar (QPR), David Luiz (Chelsea), Lucas Leiva (Liverpool), Oscar (Chelsea), Ramires (Chelsea), Paulinho (Tottenham Hotspur), Willian (Chelsea), Philippe Coutinho (Liverpool). The manager The legend that is Luiz Felipe Scolari, back for his second stint as Brazil manager, and charged with delivering the trophy to go with 2002 win. How in danger is he? 6/10 Most likely to light up Brazil Not a vintage Brazil side, but Neymar looks the most probable heir to the World Cup greats of yore. Most likely to be sent home in disgrace Being both dirty and an inveterate diver, Dani Alves is a true master of football’s darker arts. Title odds 7/2 fav The stereotype is ... Samba football, silky skills, genius all over the pitch, playing the game as it should be played. The reality is ... Weak in goal, defensively iffy, effective midfield, overly reliant on the unproven Neymar up front. What they're known for Football 45 per cent Samba 25 per cent Thonged lovelies 20 per cent Civil unrest 10 per cent How Brazilian are they? Reasonably Brazilian. Certainly more Brazilian than the Dunga teams, but this lot are hardly Pele and Garrincha. How Google translates the national anthem In thy bosom, O freedom, Our chest defy death itself. Our forests have more life. Our life in your more love sinus. Duration A busy, frothy 1min 58sec. How to dress like their fans Better get in that gym first. Bikinis for the ladies. Never really noticed what the male fans are wearing. Commentator's go-to stat Brazil covers three time zones. No doubt failure to acclimatise to jet lag will be offered as a mitigating factor in England’s disappointing performance.
晋级之路 世界杯规定,获得举办权的国家可以直接入围决赛圈。巴西作为2014年世界杯的主办国,显然轻松入围决赛。 世界杯高光时刻 巴西队曾是1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 和 2002,的世界杯冠军,足球实力不容小视。其中1970年的比赛最为激动人心的。 世界杯低谷时刻 表现最差的一场是在1998年与法国队争夺冠军的时候,状态不佳的罗纳尔多和他的队友以3:0的比分,完败法国队。 知名球员 朱利奥·塞萨尔(女王公园巡游者足球俱乐部)、大卫-鲁伊斯(切尔西足球俱乐部)、卢卡斯·雷瓦(利物浦)、 奥斯卡·朱尼奥(切尔西)、拉米雷斯(托特纳姆热刺队)、威廉(切尔西)、菲利普·库迪尼奥(利物浦足球俱乐部) 主帅 巴西的传奇教练是斯科拉里,这是他第二次执教巴西队。2002年,他带领着巴西队夺得了当年的世界杯冠军。 他的下课几率 6/10 可能大放异彩的球员 尽管巴西队并非处于最佳状态,但球员内马尔还是很有可能会获得2014世界杯的最佳球员的。 可能被提前遣返回国的球员 总是出阴招的阿尔维斯无愧为足球界的黑暗技术大师 夺冠赔率:7/2 固有印象 桑巴式足球;细腻的脚法;满场奔跑的都是拥有高超技艺的球员;全场配合恰如其分 球队实情 进攻有点弱;防守有缺陷;中场挑大梁;有些过度依赖前锋内马尔 巴西的知名之处 足球 45% 桑巴舞 25% 可爱的带式泳装 20% 国内暴乱 10% 他们有多巴西范 他们当然是毋庸置疑的巴西人!比邓加所带团队更正正宗的巴西人...虽然不及球王贝利和加林查... ... 谷歌如何翻译巴西国歌 啊,自由,在你的怀抱中,我们勇敢的胸膛可以战胜死亡 我们的森林有更多的生命,我们的生命在您的怀抱中有更多的爱 国歌时长 旋律轻快的1分钟58秒 如何装扮成巴西球迷 最好第一个到达体育场;女士要穿上比基尼,男粉丝穿什么都无所谓... 解说员将会提到的统计 巴西共跨越了三个时区。这使得球员们在英国踢比赛时,很难适应当地的时差,也难怪巴西队当时令人失望的表现...
Australia had a bumpy ride through the Asian qualifying groups, losing to Oman and Jordan, En route to finishing second behind Japan to seal a world cup place. >详细>>