How they qualified Second behind Argentina, clinching their spot by coming back from 3-0 down to draw 3-3 against Chile. World Cup high Even their best effort, the last 16 in 1990, ended in calamity when Roger Milla robbed Rene Higuita and scored into an empty net. World Cup low Hard to imagine a bigger disaster than USA ’94, where they started as one of the favourites and ended up eliminated in the first round, with their captain shot dead. Familiar faces Falcao and James Rodriguez (Monaco) The manager Jose Pekerman, Argentina’s manager in 2006, used to be a taxi driver, so he may not want to go north of the Amazon at this time of night. How in danger is he? 3/10 Most likely to light up Brazil Obviously Falcao, but Jackson Martinez will be a threat if he can reproduce his goalscoring form for Porto. Most likely to be sent home in disgrace Cristian Zapata. Given his first chance under new coach Pekerman, Zapata marked the occasion by brawling with Gonzalo Higuain and getting sent off. Title odds: 25/1 The stereotype is … Unbelievably gifted, slightly unhinged players who can rip you apart if they haven’t been paid off by a drug kingpin first. The reality is ... Unbelievably gifted, slightly unhinged players who can rip you apart going forward but occasionally look a bit doddery at the back. What are they known for? Coffee beans 42 per cent Their other main export crop 25 per cent Shakira 22 per cent Higuita’s scorpion kick 11 per cent How Brazilian are they? In terms of raw, unvarnished talent, they stand comparison with the Brazil of old. In terms of messing up World Cups, they stand comparison with the Brazil of new. How Google translates the national anthem “The virgin her hairs starts in agony, widow and his love cypress hangs. Regretting her hope covering cold headstone but glorious pride her fair complexion.” Duration Eleven verses with choruses. No word on whether Don McLean was involved. How to dress like their fans Big tall hats in the country’s yellow, blue and red colours. Carlos Valderrama wigs also go down well. Commentator's go-to stat Because of its position on the equator, Colombia does not have seasons. But then what do they call their transfer windows? |
出线之路 世界杯南美赛区预选赛上,哥伦比亚队在0:3落后的不利局势下,最后3:3战平智利,在积分榜上仅次于阿根廷。 世界杯高光时刻 1990年,哥伦比亚队凭借自身的努力挺进16强。但最终在复赛中门将雷内·伊基塔(Rene Higuita)没防住罗杰·米拉(Rene Higuita)的进球,负于麦卡隆队,未能更进一步。 世界杯低谷时刻 1994年美国世界杯,哥伦比亚队经历前所未有的灾难,比赛时被寄予厚望,然而在第一轮就被淘汰,主力后卫回国后竟然惨遭枪杀。 知名球员 法尔考和詹姆斯·罗德里格斯(James Rodriguez) 主教练 何塞·佩克尔曼(Jose Pekerman),2006年曾是阿根廷国家队主教练,曾是一名出租车司机,因此他可能不愿意在此刻回到亚马逊河以北。 他的下课概率? 3/10 最可能大放异彩的球员 当然是法尔考,但假如前卫杰克逊·马丁内斯(Jackson Martinez)能复制在波尔图的辉煌战绩,那么他也有可能成为引爆巴西的人物。 最可能被遣送回国的球员 克里斯蒂安·萨帕塔(Cristian Zapata),佩尔克曼刚在哥伦比亚队执教,帕萨塔就因与阿根廷中卫冈萨洛·伊瓜因(Gonzalo Higuain)争吵而被罚下场。 夺冠几率:1/25 固有印象 哥伦比亚球员有惊人的天赋,赛场上有点精神错乱,假如赛前不吃点药的话,几乎要对着观众发疯了。 实际情况 哥伦比亚球员有惊人的天赋,赛场上有点精神错乱,几乎要对着观众发疯,但有时动作缓慢。 哪些闻名于世? 咖啡豆 42% 其他主要出口作物 25% 歌手夏奇拉 22% 伊基塔的“蝎子摆尾” 11% 与巴西队的对比 在天分上,哥伦比亚队可与巴西队分庭抗礼。但在世界杯的表现上,他们还是太嫩了。 谷歌翻译的哥伦比亚共和国国歌 “她的秀发光彩照人,失去爱人,她陷于极大的苦痛之中,但是对他的爱像松柏一样永不凋零。她在墓碑之上哀叹爱的希望,那美丽的秀发,飘扬成永不褪色的光荣。” 国歌时长 共有11段诗与合唱。唐·麦克林(Don McLean )是否参与了创作,还不得而知。 哥伦比亚队球迷的打扮 黄、蓝、红相间的大高帽,卡洛斯·巴尔德拉马(Carlos Valderrama)的假发也很受欢迎。 解说员的评价 由于地处赤道附近,哥伦比亚并没有四季之分。那他们对转会窗口是怎么称呼的呢? |
Australia had a bumpy ride through the Asian qualifying groups, losing to Oman and Jordan, En route to finishing second behind Japan to seal a world cup place. >详细>>