Make Ezine

Updated: 2007-06-21 09:22

Ezines feature advantages likelow costs,efficient information dissemination,impressive interactive features, and many others. They can be widely utilized in tourism, electronic products manufacture, the catering industry, finance, the automobile industry, fashion design, the theater industry and the organization of conferences, exhibitions and publicity events.

Ezines provide enterprise clients with multi-dimensional publicity products. Additionally, it offers a channel through which enterprise clients can directly obtain users' feedbacks as well as conducting low-cost publicity and marketing.

Ezines are an ideal medium for:

Companies that hope to improve their public image and publicize their brands;

Companies that offer regular publicity brochures to their customers and hope to obtain feedback and precise statistics of their audience members' number;

Companies that conduct online sales;

Organizations that hope to enhance their influence through publicity;

Organizations that need electronic publicity materials and gifts;

Successful publicity cases of Ezine

Make Ezine In July 2006, on the occasion the opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Rail, we made a special edition of the Ezine, "Reach the World's Roof by Train," which was a successful cooperation with tourism sectors in Tibet. The multi-media experience offered by the Ezine effectively made this news event well-known globally.
Make Ezine In October 2006, we designed the special edition of the Ezine called "Shaolin Kongfu."
Make Ezine In April 2007, on the eve of China East-West region Co-operation Investment Trading Fair held in Shannxi, we published the special edition about that province - "Buried with a Whole Empire," which helped boost the local tourism industry.
Make Ezine In June 2007, we made a special edition of the Ezine on The First International Intangible Cultural Heritage Conference, in Chengdu, China, which was also well-received by conference participants at home and abroad.

Categories of Ezine production

Standard edition(animation design excluded): 40 web pages at most in a single issue, including a cover and a back cover.

Original materials for electronic magazine production, such as videos, audios, background music, photos, texts and many others, are offered by the clients, who also own the copyright.

Standard edition(animation design excluded): 20 web pages at most in a single issue, including a cover and a back cover.

Original materials for electronic magazine production, such as videos, audios, background music, photos, texts and many others, are offered by the clients, who also own the copyright.

Other Services

Production of publicity disks

We help you to publicize your products.


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