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Photos illustrate culture and education development in Xinjiang

Updated: 2009-09-23 13:59


Unprecedented changes have taken place in education in Xinjiang after 1949. At present, Xinjiang has basically made the nine-year compulsory education universal and eliminated illiteracy in the young and middle-aged population.

Photos illustrate culture and education development in Xinjiang

Children play in their new playground at Kanas Primary School in the Kanas natural landscape protection area in Xinjiang, September 15, 2009. Kanas invested 4 million yuan ($586,000) to build the new school. [Xinhua]

Photos illustrate culture and education development in Xinjiang

Children learn a Mandarin song at a bilingual kindergarten in Kashi, northwest Xinjiang, September 14, 2009. All 101 kindergartens in Kashi offer bilingual education to the 11,110 children enrolled.[Xinhua]

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