Paris Hilton in downtown Rome

Updated: 2011-08-28 09:34


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Paris Hilton in downtown Rome

Socialite Paris Hilton (C) waves as she arrives at Hassler hotel in downtown Rome August 26, 2011. Hilton will be a guest at the British heiress Petra Ecclestone's wedding at the Castello Odescalchi castle in Bracciano, near Rome, on Saturday, according to media reports.[Photo/Agencies]

Paris Hilton in downtown Rome

Socialite Paris Hilton (R) smiles as she leaves from Hassler hotel in downtown Rome August 26, 2011. Hilton will be a guest at the British heiress Petra Ecclestone's wedding at the Castello Odescalchi castle in Bracciano, near Rome, on Saturday, according to media reports.[Photo/Agencies]