Zoe Saldana: 'I love New York style'

Updated: 2011-08-24 18:21


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Zoe Saldana: 'I love New York style'

Zoe Saldana loves "New York style".

The 'Colombiana' actress - who has previously fronted campaigns for Calvin Klein - finds it annoying when people "get lost" in an outfit, and believes people who live in the 'Big Apple' are more likely to "understand" fashion.

She said: "I have this love affair with New York that I just can't quit, and that applies to New Yorkers' style too.

"I can't stand when people get lost in clothes because they are trying to impress. We get that a lot in Los Angeles. You need to wear your clothes, your clothes can't wear you. New Yorkers understand that."

Zoe - who once launched a clothing line with her sisters - has previously confessed to thinking of fashion as an "art form", and wouldn't wear something just because it was a designer label.

She said: "Five years ago my sisters and I created our own brand, called Arasmaci, but we actually produced no more than a few T-shirts and some accessories because I became overwhelmed by 'Avatar'.

"For many people, including a lot of actresses, fashion is all about brand names, logos, status symbols, but for me, it's an art form."