Cameron Diaz wants farm life

2010-07-03 10:28
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Cameron Diaz wants farm life

Cameron Diaz wants to live on a farm.

The 37-year-old actress is considering taking a break from the spotlight for a year so she can get closer to the earth as she "feels the need" to grow crops and rear animals.

She said: "I've always been on the move so what I'd love to do is spend a whole year in one place, on a farm.

"I'd get to raise my own crops and livestock, and for once just see how life is cultivated.

"It's almost like this primal thing. I really just feel as if the earth is where we all come from and we have nothing if we don't have soil and water and sun. I've read a lot about agriculture and I feel the need inside me to work with the earth in some way."

While Cameron is looking for a calmer life, she isn't planning to settle down and have children any time soon.

She added to the Daily Mirror newspaper: "At some point I'll either want kids or make the decision that I don't. At the moment I'm very happy with things the way they are."