Robert Pattinson allergic to ladies

2010-02-16 08:19
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Robert Pattinson allergic to ladies

Robert Pattinson is "allergic to vagina".

The 'Twilight' hunk said he found a recent photo shoot difficult as he had to pose with a number of naked models.

He joked: "I really hate vaginas. I'm allergic to vagina. It was a 12-hour shoot, so you kind of get the picture that these women are going to stay naked after, like, five or six hours.

"But I wasn't exactly prepared. I had no idea what to say to them. Thank God I was hungover."

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Robert, 23, added he was pleased the resulting photos - which see him pose next a naked woman in a bath and having his photo taken by another girl wearing nothing but a pair of tights - looked classy rather than seedy, as he takes exception to modern pornography.

He added to Details magazine: "If you look at porn in, like, the eighties, there was something kind of quaint about it, quite sweet - like this little naked community.

"The people who made it liked it, they had respect for it. Not remotely like the porn that's available now - it's just everything, everywhere."

Robert - who has publicly told how he finds it hard to meet girls, despite being one of the most sought after actors in Hollywood - also said the closest thing he has to a relationship is with his dog.

He added: "The only emotional connection of relevance is with my dog. My relationship with my dog, it's ridiculous."