Britney fans offer support on web site

2007-03-19 14:43
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Fans of Britney Spears have poured their hearts out on the troubled pop star's Web site in a series of touching posts after the singer's family asked them to offer up messages of support.

Spears is said to be "deeply touched" by the response of devotees from all around the world who have taken the time to pen supportive notes to her.

The singer has been unable to access the messages of support because rules at Malibu, California, rehab center Promises forbid her from using the Internet--but many have been passed on to her by friends and relatives.

The messages posted on come from far-flung places like New Zealand, England and Spain.

One British fan, Laura, writes, "I have been thinking about you and praying for you. You are the best female artist ever, all your fans are missing you and want the best for you. Relax and don't rush yourself, we are here for as long as it takes for you to get better."

Spears entered the Promises rehab facility in an effort to control a substance abuse problem on Feb. 20.
