China stresses online safety for minors: white paper
2010-Jun-8 11:07:37

BEIJING - The Chinese government Tuesday published a white paper on its Internet policy, stressing the guarantee of online safety for minors.

The paper, released by the State Council Information Office, introduced the facts of the Internet situation in China, and elaborated on the country's basic policies on the Internet.

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According to the white paper titled "The Internet in China", minors have become China's biggest group of Internet users.

By the end of 2009, one third of the country's 384 million Internet users were minors, it said.

Online pornographic, illegal and harmful information is seriously damaging the physical and psychological health of young people, and this has been recognized as a prominent issue of public concern, said the paper.

The Chinese government attaches great importance to online safety for minors, and has always prioritized the protection of minors in the overall work of Internet information security programs.

The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors stipulates that the state shall take measures to prevent minors from overindulging in the Internet, prohibit any organization or individual from producing, selling, renting or providing by other means electronic publications and Internet information containing pornography, violence, murder, terror, gambling or other contents harmful to minors.

The state encourages research and development of Internet tools that are conducive to the online protection of minors, as well as Internet products and services suitable for minors. Families, schools and all other social units shall work together to protect minors online and create a healthy online environment for the development of minors, it said.

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