China fail to defend Gorbillon Cup at Moscow TT Worlds
2010-May-31 08:01:16

MOSCOW - Chinese women paddlers failed to defend the team title at the 50th World Team Table Tennis Championships here on Sunday, losing 3-1 to Singapore.

The Chinese trio of Ding Ning, Liu Shiwen and Guo Yan, the same trio in the semifinals, were outclassed by Singapore's Feng Tianwei, Wang Yuegu and Sun Beibei.

Ding got off to a good start but encountered strong and constant resistance from Feng, the world No 2 player.

She lost the first match 3-2; China women's first setback at the Moscow Worlds.

Perhaps influenced by the defeat, Liu was unable to subdue Wang in the first, second and fourth games, losing 3-1.

Thanks to Guo, who overcame Sun Beibei 3-1 in the third match, the Chinese team's hopes were re-ignited.

However, Liu failed to curb the momentum of Feng, losing the final match 3-2. The triumph marked Singapore women's first Gorbillon Cup title.


(China Daily 05/31/2010 page24)

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