Elementary schools to launch soccer courses
2010-Apr-9 09:47:53

CHANGCHUN - Campus soccer program kicked off Thursday in Northeast China's Changchun, capital of Jilin province, with 49 elementary schools here to bring soccer courses into their daily education schedules.

The program, which aims to build soccer training systems in schools, is believed to make contribution to popularizing soccer knowledge and skills and cultivating the reserve of this kind for the sport.

"The idea of campus soccer is to make all students participate in the game," Xue Li, vice-chair of the Chinese Football Association, said at the launching ceremony of the program.

"There used to be few kids constituted football teams, and we are planning to ensure two or three soccer courses each week for all. Competitions between schools may be held on the weekends," she added.

Authorized by the Chinese Football Association, the Campus Soccer program was jointly run by the Changchun Sports Bureau and Changchun Education Bureau.

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